Monday, August 30, 2010

A Brush with Mortality

So, an interesting year so far....

In February, I got laid off from my job of 14 years. My youngest daughter had to have an earring back removed from her inner ear surgically, and then later needed to have a pretzel removed from her nose (at home procedure). Other financial hardships, stressful situations, and poor lifestyle choices led up to August 1st.

On August 1, I went to the hospital with chest pain. What I thought was gall bladder pain or indigestion turned out to be a massive heart attack. A quadruple bypass and 2 weeks in the hospital later, I left the hospital a changed man. What changed? Besides my obvious physical changes (30 lbs. lighter and a kickass scar), I've had my own epiphany. I don't have time for bullshit.

Most of the time before my "incident", I was able to not let too much bother me. When something did bother me, however, it festered in my gut. I rarely made how I felt about something known, and internalized a lot of pain, fears, and thoughts. Now I see that doing so was all bullshit. Too bad it took heart surgery and more to realize.

Waking up in the hospital bed after surgery, I already felt better. My wife and mother were in the room with me, and looked relieved. The days after waking were filled with different doctors and nurses coming in to tell me how much "better" I looked. At first, I was confused about these people who I had never seen telling me about things like they knew me. After a few days of this, my wife filled me in on the fact that it was actually 4 days later than I thought, and I had coded (flatlined) in the hospital about 5 times.

The weight of what she was telling me didn't hit me immediately. She showed me pictures after my surgery, after I had coded, and during my recovery. She showed me Facebook entries from past and current friends, family, and people I didn't even know. All the messages contained some kind of spiritual component.

I wasn't raised the most spiritual person. In my adult life, the only time I had gone to church is when my wife dragged me kicking and screaming. However, before the "incident", I began to enjoy going to church, and the interpretation of the stories in the Bible. During my time in the hospital, I FELT something. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt something keeping watch while I was unconscious. After waking up and really soaking in the information shown to me, I realized that my belief in a higher power was sorely lacking. Am I right with God now? No, not exactly. I'm almost well enough to go to church, but I do speak with Him through prayer a lot. I thank my friends who asked Him to help me out and bring me back to the living.

Are my friends the same religion as me? Nope. As a matter of fact, I don't even know what religion some of them are. The important thing was that they PRAYED to whatever they believed in. I believe that faith is lacking not only in my life, but in a lot of other lives as well, and I see now that that is a shame. It doesn't matter what higher power you believe in, as long as you believe.

If I am sounding a bit preachy, it's because I am. I'm not going to apologize for things anymore. I don't think anyone should have to apologize for their faith. That's the great thing about this country. You can say what you want, believe in what you want, and be who you want to be.

And there are great people in this country. Great friends that wish you well in your hardest time, visit you when you're better, and re-establish lost connections. Great family who pull together and show their love and affection to help the healing process. Great acquaintances who pray for someone they don't even know.

I don't know if I would be here without you.

God Bless You, and our great country.



  1. It's amazing how something like what you've just gone through can change your life. But not only your life, but the lives of those who love you. I've grown up similarly, and haven't always been spiritual. I've also been feeling that pull from my own spirituality.
    Your experience led us to realize how important it is to express our belief in our God, and to renew our relationship with Him. It wasn't enough to just pray for your recovery and health... or to pray for strength for your family and those who love you to get through whatever was to come. But it was the wake-up call that brought us back to the place where we could acknowledge our beliefs, and be ok with expressing them.
    No time for BS! But making time for God and Faith.
    Glad you're doing better, physically and spiritually. God has blessed us all.

  2. Good to know that you are improving both physically and spiritually.
    I don't really believe in any gods - but I do believe there are Angels who watch over us - if that makes sense.

  3. Brumdonian - Makes sense. Even Atheists have to believe in something, even if it is that there is no God. Penn Teller is an Atheist, but he doesn't knock anyone's beliefs. He relies on his interpretation of facts and opinions to make decisions that are best for him. In much the same sense, we all need to think for ourselves, question authority when needed, and believe in what we think to be true.

  4. The facts always override the opinions; we don't base science on opinion.

    You spent most of your life abusing your body, had a massive heart attack, and it is the Doctors you should me most grateful to, for saving your bacon. It was nothing more than their training and skill. If God truly can save us, why do we need hospitals? I wonder if doctors get upset after they have spent hundreds of thousands on training and schooling, and experience, only to hear "God saved me". Humphh.

  5. Anonymous = Big Headed, Overpaid doctor with a God complex? Yea, I think so.

    Next time leave your name and email address so we can straighten out your ridiculous point of view faster than you can say "Medical Malpractice" you arrogant agnostic.

  6. Anonymous - funny how you're railing MY opinion by stating YOUR opinion. Hummph.

    Do you seriously think that I didn't bother to thank the doctors that helped save my life? I've done nothing but thank them every time I get a chance. I also thank God every time I get a chance. I thank God for having the right doctors in the right place, helping those doctors choose their profession to help people like me, and for helping me through my time of need.

    As far as not "basing science on opinion" - I believe that scientific method relies pretty heavily on opinion. Imagine if Newton didn't have an opinion on the apple....because opinions aren't allowed. Are the scientific OPINIONS proved correct? Sure, some times. Is it right for you to question my opinion? Sure, as much as it is for me to question yours. Show proof, and our opinions will turn to fact. Fortunately, by that time, I won't have to read your comments anymore.

    Here's the bottom line: I never asked for anyone to accept my "opinion" as fact. I posted on my blog what I was feeling and thinking. I feel that if you have a problem with the content of this blog, move on - I SURELY don't want to offend anyone of your way of thinking. Maybe a different blog would benefit you more. God gave us free will, you can use it to click in your browser and clear this web address from it. Have a wonderful day.

  7. Ohhhh..........burn!!!!

    FYI - (that burn was directed at Anonymous being burned by Soop)

  8. How ironic that the surgeon himself thanked "higher powers" for the success of the surgery and for Brent being alive today. Anonymous shouldn't talk about things he doesn't understand.

  9. Brent, I've only just seen your post and am so thankful you are ok. I also, have never met you but know a Great lady that loves you dearly (Theresa) and asked me to also pray for you. I know your family was in horrible shock and grief with just the thought they "Might" lose you. Glory be to God that you are with them to change your life and lives of so many others. Your testament to God is how you NOW live your life, not with your past. The beauty of it all is you dont have to do anything special because your salvation was given to you, it's Free, Christ died for it and gave it to you. All you have to do is accept it, and be thankful. I'm thrilled you see that there was someone on "watch" because there was... God and Thousands of people praying asking for your healing... You were even on the site where over the world many were praying for you that you will never meet in this life. You have a do over and I'm so glad for it. PTL! One last thing... "I admire those that will "Stand up for God" as he does see and record all those that speak FOR Him, and those that speak AGAINST Him. But dont worry about defending Him to this Bonehead (Anonymous)because God said "Vengeance is Mine," meaning he will see to punishing him and all the others that are against Him the Right way, the eternal way, and His way.

    God Truly Bless you and your Family
    Kym Haren

    Ps thank your wife for the card that was very sweet of her! ;-)
